
Dear colleagues and friends,

It is truly a great pleasure and privilege to have all of you participate in the 2025 International Neural Regeneration Symposium (INRS2025), the 16th Asia Pacific Symposium on Neural Regeneration (APSNR), to be held in Fuzhou, China between October 24 and 26, 2025.

We greatly appreciate the meeting organizers, including Neural Regeneration Research (Press) and the Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine for their strong support. The goal of this Joint Symposium is to provide a platform for presenting new discoveries, to exchange new ideas, to stimulate new collaborations, to promote translation from basic science to the clinic, and to educate trainees in the field of neural regeneration.

Since 2011, INRS and APSNR has been held for successive 13 years. We had over 5,500 participants from all over the world attended the symposium. Over 200 distinguished international speakers were invited to present their cutting-edge research at the joint symposium, including the Editor-in-Chief of Science, 2012 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, Sir John Bertrand Gurdon, 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, Prof. Thomas C. Südhof.

This year, the program will include 2 Keynote Session, 7 plenary sessions and 4 mini-symposiums. The sessions will include but not limited to areas of hot topics in Regenerative Medicine; Multicenter Trials in Neurological diseases; Advances in Aging Research; Biomarker Research in Neurodegenerative Disorders; Machine Learning in Neurological Disorders; Role of Exosomes in Neurological Disorders; Rising Stars in Neural Regeneration; Young Scientists Forums. The conference will also organize special parallel sessions on research project matching and round table discussion to facilitate the possibility of establishing collaborations among participating scientists.The symposium will provide more time for face-to-face communications with invited speakers, and time for participants to ask questions at speakers’ talks.

We sincerely hope that you will join us in making the Joint Symposium a true success.


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INRS2025 Chair: Prof. Kwok-Fai So; APSNR Chair: Prof. Limin Rong

May, 2024